Online resources
Association for Conflict Resolution (US). Members can read online journals and receive a monthly e-newsletter. (Discounted membership for APMF members)
Australian Institute of Professional Counselling articles
Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation (Germany). Articles on peacebuilding and conflict transformation. Many articles are available in other languages.
Conciliation Resources. Includes papers and educational resources on international peacemaking
How to become a paralegal (US)
Interagency ADR Working Group (US). Includes detailed information and reports on ADR in the US.
Keeping control around difficult people (US). Includes links to further resources.
Law Degree (US). A guide to getting a US law degree online.
LEADR (Aust). Access to articles, podcasts and limited version of monthly newsletter. Members have access to all of the most recent resources.
Masters in Counseling Programs (US). A guide to Masters in Counseling courses offered in the US. (US). Includes many articles. E.g. see the series of articles on ‘Understanding mediation’.
Mediation World. Includes news items from around the world. Register to receive updates by email.
National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (Aust). Website includes discussion papers, reports, etc. See their ‘Glossary of ADR terms’.
Neuroawareness: Online Development Program for Dispute Resolution Professionals
Online journals and newsletters
Accord, published by Conciliation Resources
Dispute Resolution Centre News, published by Bond University, Australia
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Update, published by LEADR
Voices, the magazine of the Justice and Reconciliation Project, Uganda
Windows is an Israeli/Palestinian organisation with a newsletter and magazine.
Abdul Syukur, Fatahillah and Bagshaw, Dale (2020) ‘Gender, power, and court-annexed mediation in Indonesia’. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, pp 1-12. Download PDF copy here
Kate Blomfield, Andrew Pirie and Hugh Landerkin, ‘JDR/ADR bibliography’, prepared for the first APMF conference in 2001. (PDF 163 kb)
Green paper on alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law, Commission of the European Communities, 2002. (PDF 271 kb)
‘Mediation in schools’, Victorian Association for Dispute Resolution, 2001.
Michael Roberts, ‘Why mediation works’,, 2000
David Silvera, ‘Mediation in Israel can build cross-cultural empathy and consensus’. (PDF 37 kb)
Also see the APMF conference papers on this site: 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008
Dale Bagshaw and Elisabeth Porter (eds), Mediation in the Asia-Pacific: transforming conflicts and building peace, Routledge, New York, 2009
This book examines mediation in connection with peacebuilding in the Asia-Pacific region, providing practical examples that either highlight the weaknesses within certain mediation approaches or demonstrate best-practice. The authors explore the extent to which current ideas and practices of mediation in the Asia-Pacific region are dominated by western understandings and critically challenge the appropriateness of such thinking. Featuring a range of case studies on Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, this book has three main aims:
- to challenge dominant western practices and ways of thinking on mediation that currently are being imposed in the Asia-Pacific region;
- to develop culturally fluent and socially just mediation alternatives that build upon local, traditional or religious approaches;
- to situate mediation within ideas and practices on peacebuilding.
Making a unique contribution to peace and conflict studies literature by explicitly linking mediation and peacebuilding practices, this book is a vital text for students and scholars in these fields.
Order from Routledge or use this order form (PDF 684 kb).
This book can be purchased as an e-book more cheaply than buying it in hard copy, although you may find second-hand copies at a reduced price on The link to the e-book version is:,+bagshaw+and+porter
Ruth Charlton and Micheline Dewdney, The mediator’s handbook, 2nd ed, Lawbook Co, 2004.
This book will help experienced professional mediators who wish to expand their repertoire of skills as well as newly trained mediators. The mediation process is explained in seven simple steps applicable to all kinds of disputes including commercial, workplace, family, neighbourhood and environmental. The related skills, techniques and strategies, including communication skills, are clearly outlined. New chapters include practical information on shuttle mediation, telephone mediations, multi-party disputes, preliminary conferences, the effective use of information and the benefits of visual aids.
Danny Crossman, Shared solutions: the 7 steps for resolving issues and solving problems successfully, Lothian Books, 2005.
A succinct, readable book that explains how to use Danny Crossman’s 7-step ‘shared solutions’ process to resolve conflicts, make decisions, solve problems and achieve change. The author suggests that this process can be applied to problems such as sexual harassment, public policy, restitution, school debating, international conflict and rainforest conservation.
Dr John Haynes in Australia. Mediation training DVDs produced by the Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation, University of South Australia in 1998. Topics covered include separating couples/parents, police, injured workers and the schoolyard. Order form (Word 39 kb)
Mediation News
(Published by ADRA, SADRA and VADR, Australia, 1997 to 2002)
Mediation News, May 2002 (PDF 620 kb)
Mediation News, October 2001 (PDF 301 kb)
Mediation News, April 2001 (PDF 357 kb)
Mediation News, December 2000 (PDF 1.56 MB)
Mediation News, April 2000 (PDF 561 kb)
Mediation News, September 1999 (PDF 375 kb)
Mediation News, July 1999 (PDF 414 kb)
Mediation News, December 1998 (PDF 453 kb)
Mediation News, November 1997 (PDF 423 kb)