Elected at the 2nd APMF conference, Singapore, November 2003.
President: Ass Prof Dale Bagshaw, Coordinator, Centre for Peace, Conflict & Mediation and Postgraduate Studies, University of South Australia, dale.bagshaw@unisa.edu.au
(Alternate member: Craig Jones, Associate Professor, Director, Native Title Studies Centre, School of Law, James Cook University, Queensland, Craig.Jones@jcu.edu.au)
Vice-President: Ambeng Kandakasi, Judge of the Supreme and National Court of Justice, Papua New Guinea, ajk@pngjudiciary.gov.pg
(Alternate member: Regina Sagu)
Secretary: J Westcoat Sandlin, Advanced Solutions, South Carolina, wescoat.sandlin@scbar.org
(Alternate member: Michael Belsky, Director, Mediation and Dispute Resolution Program, Southern Oregon University, mbelsky@jeffnet.org)
Treasurer: Lim Lan Yuan, Professor, National University of Singapore, limkly@singnet.com.sg
(Alternate member: Ben K. C. Chng, Principal, Damit and Chng Partnership, Singapore, bchng@amp95.hbs.edu)
(Alternate Secretary: Hughie Tan Yeak Hui, Barrister and ADR practitioner, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hutana@hotmail.com)
(Alternate Treasurer: Wiwiek Awiati , Director, Indonesian Centre for Environmental Law, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, poetry@attglobal.net)
(Alternate member: Clarita Degrantini, SH Indonesian Institute for Conflict Transformation, iict@cbn.net.id)
Ayan Bhattacharya, Melton Foundation International Students Network Conflict Resolution Group, Bangalore, India, ayan2000_in@yahoo.com
(Alternate member: Koteswara Prasad, Professor & Director, Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, University of Madras, gkp@md3.vsnl.net.in)
Ian Macduff, Director of the New Zealand Centre for Conflict Resolution, ianmacduff@vuw.ac.nz
(Alternate member: Mereana Hond, mhond@TV3.co.nz)
Jan Jung-min Sunoo, Head of the new UN International Labor Organization Declaration Project in Hanoi, Vietnam, sunoo@fpt.vn
Afsana Wahab, Advocate and mediator, Centre for Woman and Child Development, Bangladesh, awahab@dhaka.agni.com
John (Chuan-Cheng) Wu, Associate Professor, I-Shou University, Taiwan, wucc1@ms45.hinet.net
Yuen Sze Sze, Solicitor, Advocate, Accredited Family Mediator and Accredited General Mediator, Hong Kong, hkapmf@yahoo.com.hk
(Alternate member: J Peter Ho, Managing Director, Harold Crowter Associates Hong Kong Ltd, work= peter.ho@hca.com.hk or personal= jpeterho@net.netvigator.com)
Student member: Naniette H Colemon, Cambridge MA, US, naniette_colemon@ksg.harvard.edu